A Workbook to Unlock Your Innate Abilities...
Being Psychic is Not A Gift. . . Much like all our other senses, it is a survival tool we are all born with. Understanding basic metaphysical concepts and practicing the techniques and exercises in this workbook will help you unlock and expand your own psychic abilities.
Learn easy-to-follow exercises that can be used daily to solve problems, psychically shield yourself from harm, contact your spirit guides, and help you keep a healthy body and mind. By awakening and developing your natural psychic abilities, you can empower yourself to create the life you've always wanted.
Be the Light • Becoming the Light • Fighting Darkness
Joan was inspired to write a series of Young Adult fiction books as a way to challenge negative beliefs. The purpose of The Ariana Series is to help people uncover their inner power and use that power to steer our world in a positive direction.
"Masterfully written. The third book, like the previous two, effortlessly and clearly conveys metaphysical truths needing to be made known to a wide audience of humanity. This is especially true of young adults as they begin to respond to their inner innate knowings and are not fully aware where these thoughts are coming from and where to proceed with them. The young adults in the story are able to use their intuitive gifts along with newly acquired skills that allow them to surrender, accept, support, and love not only one another but others who are involved in the dramas of life that pop up along life's journey. Readers will be triggered and challenged, testing their own beliefs as compared to the awareness being offered by these young adults whose main message is about moving from FEAR to LOVE in all things."
"Be the Light is accomplished, seductive, and magnetic. It flows effortlessly through the lives of several college students brought together through their one common trait – they are the outcasts, weirdos, sensitive souls that have an innate understanding that reality is more than most humans are willing to consider, and they all have special connections with the higher realities beyond their five senses. Each chapter builds upon the previous one, quickly moving us from one situation to another."
Easy tools to help you understand a child's unique needs...
Raising happy, healthy children is one of the most important things anyone can do. Unfortunately, children don’t come with a how-to manual. There are, however, some unique tools we can use to get a better understanding of what makes our children tick.
Through the ancient science of Numerology, the Universe has given us a map. This book will help you discover your child’s basic tendencies, needs, and talents. It can also help you understand how to educate and discipline in ways that enhance these tendencies, helping to avoid bringing out the less desirable parts of your child’s innate personality.
The Fictional Series, A Faerie's Tale, shares secrets of the Fey's world.
Passion and Fairy Lore Come Together - Creating A Spellbinding Read.
An accident on a snowy road in the Sierra Nevada Mountains wipes away the memories of a beautiful, mysterious woman. Guilt-stricken that he could cause such pain, even by accident, the man who drove the truck that struck the woman is determined to help. He quickly realizes there is something special about her. She feels his strength and kindness. And despite the fact she knows nothing of her past, or if the man truly is who he says he is, she feels herself unmistakably drawn to him.
Her life is a mystery, yet her love is timeless. Can it continue once the awful truth is uncovered? Only the faeries know.
Magical Abilities are Revealed as Truths Become Known . . .
Theresa thought she had the perfect life — a loving husband, a healthy, precocious daughter, a beautiful home in her beloved Sierra Nevada Mountains. And now, a new baby on the way. A boy.
But from the start, her daughter eerily insisted the developing baby was “evil.” This pregnancy was much different — Theresa felt exhausted, drained. And despite the passage of years since the accident that had taken her memory of life before her love affair with her husband, her thoughts became consumed with worry and fear about her past, and now, her baby’s future. When Theresa is forced by a new friend to remember the truth of her past, she must confront all the hidden memories which will forever change the future of her family, and perhaps, the world.
is honored to represent Joan L. Scibienski